Baleen color and shape varies quite a bit from species to species. Here are a few pictures of baleen plates both before and after sampling.
[1] fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) plate with three small sample holes. root end is to the left, with the distal end to the right. this is the growth axis. the fringe (top) faces inward toward the tongue.
[2] close up of fin whale plate with small sample holes for stable isotopes and larger samples for hormone analysis.
[3] humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) plate before sampling.
[4] close up of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) plate during sampling for stable isotopes.
[5] close up of a juvenile minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) plate which is tranlucent enough to see the blood vessels inside the plate. plate is orientated with the growth axis running up and down.
Acknowledgments: Baleen plates were generously loaned for sampling thanks to Keith Rittmaster (North Carolina Maritime Museum); Ann Pabst and William McLellan (University of North Carolina Wilmington); John Ososky, Charlie Potter, and Michael McGowan (National Museum of Natural History); Benjamin Hess and Lisa Gatens (North Carolina Science Museum); Judy Chupasko (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard); Robert Feranec (New York State Museum). Thanks to Phillip Turner (DUML) for assistance photographing close ups of the minke whale plate.