publications and presentations

[1] Cioffi, WR, Bentaleb, I, Read, A. Variation in stable isotopes reflect differences in the foraging ecology of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas. Poster at Society for Marine Mammalogy 2017. Halifax, NS, Canada. [pdf]

[2] Cioffi, W. R., Wisse, J. H., Pallin, L. J., Read, Andrew J. Baleen (alpha-keratin) archives metabolic and endocrine individual life histories of mysticetes. Poster at 2017 South East and Mid Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, Beaufort, NC. [pdf]

Acknowledgments: Baleen plates were generously loaned for sampling thanks to Keith Rittmaster (North Carolina Maritime Museum); Ann Pabst and William McLellan (University of North Carolina Wilmington); John Ososky, Charlie Potter, and Michael McGowan (National Museum of Natural History); Benjamin Hess and Lisa Gatens (North Carolina Science Museum); Judy Chupasko (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard); Robert Feranec (New York State Museum). Sarah Mallette (VAQS), Ashley Marko (DUML), and Caroline Del Real (DUML) have assisted with sampling. Danielle Waples (DUML), Phillip Turner (DUML), and Alyson Fleming (National Museum of Natural History / UNCW) provided a great deal of advice on stable isotopes. Logan Pallin (UCSC) and Jillian Wisse (DUML) engaged in many helpful discussions on hormone analysis and Dave Haas (DUML) graciously lent sampling equipment.